Simply Chef

Project Overview
Simply Chef was a mock app designed for INFSCI 0410 Human Centered Systems.

The idea behind our project began with the feeling of being hungry. Everyone’s been there at least once - you’re starving, ready to eat, but you don’t have the energy to actually cook anything, or you don’t have a recipe planned out. Therefore, the idea behind Simply Chef was born. We want people to know exactly what they need for recipes, and have simple, tasty, meals ready to be prepared. No more going hungry, just because you don’t know what you have to eat.
My Contributions
For our team, I worked on both the research and design aspects of the project, including creating a survey to gain feedback from users, helping with usability testing, designing both lo-fi and hi-fi prototypes, and helping with post-project write-ups.
Simply Chef
Lo-fi Prototype, Pencil and Paper
November 2023
Simply Chef
Hi-Fi Prototype, Figma
November 2023