The Last Hero

Project Overview
The Last Hero follows the protagonist, a hero who died a hundred years ago, to the sinister Paragol. Without the hero’s efforts, the kingdom of Thoron has fallen to Paragol. Now, revived and tasked with retaking his kingdom, the hero must rise against the forces of evil. It exists in the Metroidvania genre, which includes games such as Hollow Knight and Castlevania: Symphony of the Night, and is known for its side-scrolling action combat and exploration. This demo includes the first section of the game, with three distinct zones.

Eventually, we'd like to upload our game to Please look for it there in the future!
My Contributions
On the project, I served as Creative Director, working on programming, game design, art design, boss mechanics, and more. My teammates worked on the dialogue system, writing, and level design.
The Last Hero
Title Screen, Unity
November 2023
The Last Hero
Gameplay, Unity
November 2023